now open for donations and shopping

Goodies Junction Accepts and sells reusable goods, cutting waste and helping local charities in ACT.

What goods can you donate?

We are dedicated to recovering as many resources as possible from landfill, which means accepting any donation which we believe has a reuse value.


Kitchenware, furniture, artwork, antiques, lighting, rugs.


TVs, whitegoods, computers,
gaming systems, media players.

Building & DIY gear

Hardware and tools, building materials, doors, windows, gates, fencing.

Outdoor Goods

Gardening, outdoor furniture,
BBQs, lawn mowers.

Fashion & textiles

Clothing, footwear, textiles, fabrics, headwear.

Active gear

Bikes, scooters, sporting gear,
gym equipment.


Books, CDs, vinyl records, VHS and cassette tapes, DVDs, video games, and toys.

Other goods

If you have any unique items that don’t fit our list, bring them in and one of our team can assist you.

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Goodies Junction


Mitchell Resource Management Centre
Flemington Road, Mitchell ACT 2912

Phone: 0427 279 363

Trading hours:
Monday - Sunday
7:30am to 4:45pm

Goodies Junction

Mugga Lane

Mugga Lane Resource Management Centre
Mugga Lane, Symonston ACT 2609

Phone: 0427 214 834

Trading hours:
Monday - Sunday
7:30am to 4:45pm