Will you accept my donation?

Thank you for thinking of Goodies Junction for your donation. Please review our donation and acceptance policy to see if it fits within our guidelines.

If it fits the guidelines, please approach our donation drop off areas at Goodies Junction in Mitchell on Flemington Road, or at Mugga Lane in Symonston.

Acceptance or otherwise of goods is at the sole discretion of staff on duty.

Do you offer a pick-up service?

At this stage we do not offer a domestic pick-up service.

We would recommend contacting a trusted local removalist company, to enquire about picking up your unwanted items and dropping them off at Goodies Junction on your behalf.

What is the process to drop off donations to Goodies Junction?

People can drop off goods from 7:30am to 4:45pm, Monday to Sunday, at the Mitchell and Mugga Lane Resource Management Centres.

1. Follow the signs to the designated drop off points at each location.

2. Please remain in your vehicle, one of our team will be with you shortly.

3. Make sure your goods can be easily and safely assessed.

How are goods priced at Goodies Junction?

Our teams work very hard at trying to price items fairly and are constantly reviewing them.

To rotate items and help keep them out of landfill, weekly colour sales have commenced at both Goodies Junction Mitchell and Goodies Junction Mugga Lane.

What this mean is – each week items with the corresponding colour ticket tab or sticker will be 50% off the marked price, and there will be a different colour that will be 75% off the marked price and another different colour with all items costing 50c.

Does Goodies Junction support charities, education facilities and community organisations?

Yes, we do.

The funds raised through your donations to Goodies Junction help people experiencing hardship in our local region and support our services for the growing number of people in our community experiencing homelessness, escaping family and domestic violence or seeking emergency food relief.

Have an idea about how we can Do Good together? Fill in the application form.

How can I apply for a job at Goodies Junction?

Please send an email through to our HR team via the humanresources@vinnies-cg.org.au email address.

Alternatively, you could check the Vinnies website under the careers section in the “Get involved” tab or www.seek.com.au where current opportunities are listed.

How can I volunteer with Goodies Junction?

Please send an email through to our Volunteer Services team via the volunteer@vinnies-cg.org.au email address.

Our team will be in contact with you about potential opportunities.